Slovak for foreigners

Slovak for foreigners

Slovak lessons

Formation of nouns by means of prefixes

In this article I show you how are nouns created when we use prefixes.

The meaning of nouns can be altered by means of the prefixes:

Proti- : protiklad ( contrast ), protiútok ( counter – attack ), protiváha ( counter- weight )

Medzi- : medziposchodie ( mezzanine ), medzivládie (interrregnum)

Ná-: nálet ( air- raid ), nácvik ( drill ), nález ( find )

Nad-: nadčlovek ( superman), nadpis ( title ), nadporučík ( lieutentant ), nadvýroba ( overproduction ),

Pod-: poddôstojník ( non- commisioned officer), podhradie ( outer baileay), podnebie ( climate ), podpredseda (vice- president )

Pred- : predmestie (suburb), predpis (prescribtion ), predpoklad (assumption ), predseda ( chairman)

Pra-:  prajazyk ( proto- language), prales ( primeval forest ) pravek ( prehistoric times)

Pa-:  paroh ( antler), pazvuk ( alien tone )

Sú-: súbeh( competition ), súčasník( contemporary ), súčet ( sum), súhlas( agreement )

Pre-: preklad ( translation), prebytok ( exxcess), prehľad ( survey) presun ( shift), prestavba ( reconstruction.

Bez-: bezvedomie ( inconsciousness) , bezvládie ( anarchy )


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