
Homophones – Homonymá

V dnešnom článku sa pozrieme na homonymá v anglickom jazyku, teda sú to rovnako znejúce slová v angličtine je to špecifikum, že jedno slovo môže mať viacero významov a môže byť  podstatným menom, slovesom alebo aj niečím iným, plus sú to slová, ktoré rovnako znejú ale sú napísané inak, teda nemajú tie isté písmená v slove.



A block of something is a square or rectangular piece of it.

…..block of marble.

A block is a large building. When block i sused in this way, it is usually modified.

……. a block of flats.

A block is a area in a town surrounded by streets, used mainly in American English.

Shabby brick apartments strech for block after block.

To block a road, channel, or pipe means to put somethig across it so nothing can get through it.

The riot police kept well out of the way except to block the road leading to sensitive government buildings.

There is concern that plastics in refuse tips may block drainage and gas flow.

To block something means to stop it from happening.

Mediocre managers may block the promotion of the best young people reporting to them.

He said only one obstancle now blocks the signing of a comprehensive peace settlement.

Block also occurs in the following phrasal werbs: block out, block up.


A block is a group of countries, organizations, or people with shared aims. When block is used in this way, it is usually modified.

…. the newly independent Eastern bloc countries.

….. the competing power blocs inside the ruling party.


Ak by ste sa chceli dozvedieť viac tak si pozrite moju stránku a kontaktujte ma.

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