
Tvorenie trpného rodu v angličtine   

Jednoduchý prítomný čas

Činný rod                                                                        Trpný rod

Somebody cleans this room every day.                             This room is cleaned every day.

Jednoduchý prítomný čas             

Činný rod                                                                         Trpný rod

Somebody cleaned this room yeasterday.                       The room was cleaned yeasterday.

Budúci čas

Činný rod                                                                           Trpný rod

Somebody will clean this room later.                                  This room will be cleaned later.

Predprítomný čas

Činný rod                                                                            Trpný rod

The room looks nice.  Somebody has cleaned it.                It has been cleaned.

Predminulý čas

Činný rod                                                                            Trpný rod

The room looked nice. Somebody had cleaned it.              It had been cleaned.

Prítomný priebehový čas

Činný rod                                                                           Trpný rod

Somebody is cleaning the room at the moment.               The room is being cleaned at the moment.

Minulý priebehový čas

Činný rod                                                                          Trpný rod

Somebody was cleaning  the room when I arrived.         The room was being cleaned when I arrived.

Perfect infinitive

Činný rod                                                                           Trpný rod

Somebody should have cleaned the room .                        The room should have been cleaned.


Ak by ste sa chceli naučiť viac a nielen trpný rod tak si pozrite stránku

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